Trenger du bilder til et design så er Image stock sites ofte det beste valget. Å leie en egen fotograf hver gang kjører kostnadene through the roof! Her finner du over 50 forskjellige sider som tilbyr bilder. Noen er gratis og noen tar en liten sum for bildet og noen tar litt mer. Uansett veldig hendig å ha når man lager design for en kunde.
- AbleStock
- AltaVista Media
- ArtBitz Stock Illustration
- Art Life Images
- Aurora Photos
- BrandX Pictures
- Comstock.Com
- CoopStock
- Corbis Stock Market
- Creatas
- Christie’s Images -> Fine Arts
- DailyNewsPix
- DigitalVision
- Dreamstime
- Dynamic Graphics
- EyeWire stock photography, and video
- Footage -> Nyhets bilder nettverk
- fStop
- Getty Images
- GraphicObsession
- GraphicScene
- I.D. Magazine
- Illustration Works
- ImageState
- Index Stock Photography
- Inertia.stock.xchng
- iStockphotos
- Jupiter Images
- Laughting Stock -> Illustrasjon
- Luckypix
- Masterfile Corporation
- Matton Royalty Free
- Morguefile -> Gratis bilder
- PhotoAlto
- PhotoEssentials
- Photo District News
- PhotoSpin
- Photos To Go
- Picstyle
- PictureQuest
- Professional Corbis Stock
- PunchStock
- RubberBall
- Stock Art
- Stockbyte Digital Stock
- Stock Illustration source
- StockXPert
- SuperStock
- Tony Stone Images
- Veer: visual elements
- WonderFile
- Workbookstock