Nice post with some very good tips to when it might be time to redesign your portfolio, right to the point and interesting! :o) Click here to visit >>
Beautiful CSS Designs
A very nice list from the WebDesignerWall blog of the best CSS designs from 2007. Some great inspiration to be found here, worth a look :o) Click here to visit >>
Graphic Design Inspiration
Here is a great list of some mind bogling great designs! A great list to help your inspiration and smack some life into the creative thinking machine! LOVELY design worth a look and bookmark :o) Click here to get inspired >>
Photoshop Brushes – Urban Collection
Here is a great set of huge 2500px brushes of an urban theme featuring vector style splatters, spraycan silhouettes and arrows… Some great free brushes available here :o) Click here to download >>
How to Create a Vinyl Record In Photoshop
This tutorial will outline techniques to avoid choppy edges and create proper texturing and lighting.. Man I love these tutorials from PSDTuts, here is another great tutorial for all of us worth checking out :o) Click here to visit the tutorial >>
Time Management #8: Resources
In this series I’ve given you my take on time management and how it can help or hinder creative work. In doing so, I’ve taken elements from different systems, having assimilated them over time and adapted them to my own needs… Here is a round up of great tips from Mark McGuinness. There is some good reading and tips here! The whole series is also available as a free e-book! Click here to read the article and download the free e-book >>
Generating Ideas by the Hundreds
We all probably suffer from lack of ideas from time to time, I know I do and its frustrating when it happens. But there are ways to tweak your brain to squeeze some information out. In this article you will find some very useful tips that might help you out :o) Click here to read >>
Understanding Web Design
We get better design when we understand our medium. Yet even at this late cultural hour, many people don’t understand web design. Among them can be found some of our most distinguished business and cultural leaders, including a few who possess a profound grasp of design—except as it relates to the web… read the rest of the article here >>
Photo Retouching
Sometimes retouching is needed on a photograph to really make it ‘pop‘ so we will be doing a roundup of the various tricks and techniques you can use to improve your photos… A great collection of different photo retouching techniques here! Worth a look :o) Click here to visit the tutorials >>
Spectacular Flaming Meteor Effect on Text in Photoshop
Take typography one step further by having text falling from the sky in a burning inferno. Yes, this is the text-on-fire tutorial to end all tutorials. It uses a little Illustrator for the text and a lot of Photoshop to burn up the screen! Wow this is a great tutorial! The outcome is pretty darn cool i must say :o) Click here to visit tutorial >>
12 Sites for Web Design and Inspiration
Whether you are a professional or amateur web designer, or simply want to learn more about how web design works, these are great resources to browse and bookmark… Some great sites listed here worthy of a bookmark :o) Click here to visit >>
30 Excellent Blog Designs
If your starting your own blog and need some design inspiration, this post will surely help you on your way.. Here is a list of 30 beautifully designed blogs to feast your eyes upon :o) Click here to visit >>
Slick Supernatural Effect in Photoshop
A very nice Photoshop tutorial to be found here, how to create a cool supernatural text effect in Photoshop. This would be a cool effect for a poster design or something, pretty cool indeed :o) Click here to visit tutorial >>
Browser not supported
When designing a webpage I always test them in different browsers such as IE 6.0, IE 7.0, Firefox, Safari, Netscape and Opera.. Here is a post about the issue of making your sites available to the most common web browsers out there :o) Click here to read article >>
Creating and using logos
Slingshot’s Mat Burhouse demonstrates how to approach, create and use logos, from sketch book to style guide… This is a great tutorial which shows you the steps from making the outlay to the styleguide, I think this tutorial might come in handy for a lot of people wondering how to go about producing their first logo :o) Click here to visit and download the tutorial >>
Imagery using digital type
Computer programming and human interaction offer new possibilities for design and communication with type. Creators of offer an in-depth look at their experiments in digital type… Wow this is a great tutorial which you can download for free as a .pdf file, start making some stunning graphics using type! :o) Click here to visit >>
Adobe Illustrator Plugins & Filters & Tools
If you are an Adobe Illustrator user, then this mega-list of Adobe Illustrator Plug-ins is just what you are looking for… Another great list of plugins and filters from All Graphic Design :o) Click here to visit the article >>
WordPress help sheet
WPCandy n partnership with Liquidicity, has made a great helpsheet for WordPress available for download as a .pdf file.
The WordPress Help Sheet includes the following:
- Basic Template Files
- PHP Snippets for the Header
- PHP Snippets for the Templates
- And Extra Stuff for WordPress
Top 10 signs why you should drop a client
Great article on why you should drop a client like a bad habit. When reading through this article I could see a lot of my clients in some of these points! Thats the reason why i’m dropping them, because they have become a bad habit, so has the company I have been cooperating with for the last year with my projects. Get rid of your bad habit clients etc. and live a happier freelance life, money aint everything :o) Click here to read the article >>
Which open source cms platform to use for a social networking site?
This is a nice article from Spoon Graphics on the process he went through to choose the right Open Source platform to use on his Social networking site. In this article he gives a good explanation on the different platforms he had to choose from. Click here to visit the article >>