WordPress Theme Hacks

WordPress was originally created as a weblog or blog platform. But now WordPress has grown so powerful that you can use it to create any type of website and use it as a Content Management System (CMS)…. Some great tips here! :o) Here are some of the sites I have made for clients using wordpress: KystdesignMekkbilFestivitetenTotalenVisit Haugesund Just shows how flexible wordpress can be! The only limit is your imagination :o) .. Click here to visit the wp Theme Hacks Article >>

CSS PNG Fix for internet explorer 6.0

I have tested out all the solutions I could find trying to make explorer 6.0 show transparent .png files.. In the end I had to give up since none of them worked.. But looky here, looks like somebody has finally made a fix that actually works!! Words cannot describe the grattitude and happiness I feel right now! Thank u very much!! :o) Click here to visit >>

Time Management #5: Get Things Done by Putting Them Off Till Tomorrow

In my last post, I described the problems created by a never-ending stream of incoming demands: on the one hand, the constant interruptions can destroy the concentration required for creative work; on the other, endless to-do lists create the ‘Sisyphus effect’ – a feeling of hopelessness and demotivation. Some great reading and tips to be read over here! Click to visit article >>

Time Management #4: Avoid the ‘Sisyphus Effect’ of Endless To-do Lists

Imprisoned in the ancient Greek underworld as punishment for his earthly crimes, Sisyphus was famously tortured by a never-ending task. He was condemned to roll a huge rock up a hill – only to watch it roll back down and have to start all over again… Wow this article pretty much sums up my average day!  LOL :o) Click here for the article>>