A nice list of questions to always answer “No” to in the world of freelancing. Could saves a world of hurt for beginning freelancers. Very nice article with lots of great tips for all freelancers out there! :o) Click here to visit >>
20 of the best Ecommerce Websites
Roundup of 20 great E-commerce sites built with web standards … Nice selection of sites her! Click here to visit >>
5 Niche Social Media Sites for Web Designers
5 sites that specialize in web design related news. These are actual niche sites, not categories of larger sites like Digg and Reddit. Worth a look! :o) Click here to visit >>
Freshwebjobs.com | Web Professionals Job Board
Redesigned, developed on Ror and new features added. Promise to be a great resource for web professionlas looking for a job. Pretty cool :o) Click here to visit >>
30 Usability Issues To Be Aware Of
In this article we present 30 important usability issues, terms, rules and principles which are usually forgotten, ignored or misunderstood. Read more here>>
Top 50 Free Icon Sets
A collection of 50 cool icon sets. There is no end for a designers media collection and this could sure be helpful… Click here to visit >>
LinkCreme – web design inspiration
Linkcreme is a gallery with beautiful css and flash sites. Another nice inspiration site :o) Click here to visit >>
Advanced Glow Effects in Photoshop
In this tutorial your going to create some really sharp looking glow effects using a combination of layer styles, the pen tool and colour blending. The end effect is quite stunning and hopefully you’ll pick up some tips you didn’t know before. Lovely! Check out this great tutorial here >>
Creating a Stunning Old-World Look in Photoshop
In this tutorial you are going to create a beautiful oldy-worldy composition featuring a compass and making use of some awesome (free) vector artwork from Arsenal. It’s a long tutorial, but well worth the effort! Wow, end result is nice indeed!! Check out this great tutorial here >>
Top 10 Ways to Fire the Client From Hell
Clients are the lifeblood of any business. On the other hand, some clients are so bad that your business, not to mention your personal sanity, is better off without them. So what do you do when you have a client that pushes you to the brink? You fire them! Here’s how to give 10 of the worst offenders the pink slip without burning bridges. Love this article!! Thanks for the tips! I will put this one up on the office where I work as a reminder to us all hehe :o) Read the article here>>
5 Situations When Manual Focus is Better than Auto Focus
Sometimes your camera’s auto focus mode just won’t cut it and you need to switch to manual focus. Here’s when…. Read article here>>
15 Excellent Examples of Web Typography
Web typography has come a long way. Now, with a little CSS anyone can improve the design of their web site. Read more here>>
3 Easy Ways to Speed Up CSS Development While Staying Organized
When developing large sites, stylesheets can get fairly messy and hard to keep track of. If you don’t stay organized, you can end up making them larger than they really need to be and doing more work than you should have to. Here’s just a few ways to can help avoid that… Read more here>>
3 Most Amazing 3D Street Artists in the World [PICS]
Do you normally think of graffiti as subversive art spray-painted illegally on the walls of a city? Some artists, including Edgar Mueller, Julian Beever and Kurt Wenner, defy that stereotype, painting and chalking openly on city streets and sidewalks. Check out these brief bios with 20 amazing images of their work from around the world! Check out these great images here >>
Create smaller CSS files
There are only advantages of making your CSS files some smaller. When your website uses a 5k CSS file, you might not see the difference in loading time, but when using bigger (25k) files, you can notice your website will load a bit faster when using some of the steps.. Read more here>>
100 (Legal) Sources for Free Stock Images
Staying legal as a designer or webmaster means you’ll have to either create your own images or buy them from stock sites. Fortunately, there are a number of sources for free images, read on for 100 sources where you can find free stock images: and don’t worry — they’re all legal! Click here to check out these great resources >>
Super Slick Dusky Lighting Effects: Photoshop Tutorial
One of the best sites around for desktops has to be Desktopography. Inspired by their amazing work today we are going to put together a sunset image mixing some vector shapes and dusky lighting effects to produce a slick image that would make a nice album cover for a chillout mix! Check the turtorial here >>
7 Sites for Free Vector Logos
There are a number of sites out there that provide free vector logos of major corporate brands, etc. These could be very helpful for mock-ups or student portfolio work. Here are 7 sites you might find useful. Read more >>
Is Your Web Design CRAP?
CRAP – Contrast, Repetition, Alignment and Proximity. These terms come from the book The Non Designers Design Book. If you evaluate a design using these terms, you can see how they are almost always present in well designed sites and print.. Read more here >>
What happened to ethics? SEOs that hide their methods and mislead clients
Some SEOs, consultants, and agencies hide their methods and ultimately mislead their clients. How do they do this? By not disclosing or blatantly lying about their methods used to obtain rankings and/or traffic. Why do they do this? Short-sighted thinking… Read this very informative article here >>
30 Fonts You Want to Have
Everyone has their own personal preferences when it comes to deciding what fonts to you one their designs. Depending on the project type and what the design is for, certain fonts make more sense in certain situations than in others… Click here to visit >>