Top 10 Ways to Fire the Client From Hell

Clients are the lifeblood of any business. On the other hand, some clients are so bad that your business, not to mention your personal sanity, is better off without them. So what do you do when you have a client that pushes you to the brink? You fire them! Here’s how to give 10 of the worst offenders the pink slip without burning bridges. Love this article!! Thanks for the tips! I will put this one up on the office where I work as a reminder to us all hehe :o) Read the article here>>

3 Easy Ways to Speed Up CSS Development While Staying Organized

When developing large sites, stylesheets can get fairly messy and hard to keep track of. If you don’t stay organized, you can end up making them larger than they really need to be and doing more work than you should have to. Here’s just a few ways to can help avoid that… Read more here>>

3 Most Amazing 3D Street Artists in the World [PICS]

Do you normally think of graffiti as subversive art spray-painted illegally on the walls of a city? Some artists, including Edgar Mueller, Julian Beever and Kurt Wenner, defy that stereotype, painting and chalking openly on city streets and sidewalks. Check out these brief bios with 20 amazing images of their work from around the world! Check out these great images here >>

100 (Legal) Sources for Free Stock Images

Staying legal as a designer or webmaster means you’ll have to either create your own images or buy them from stock sites. Fortunately, there are a number of sources for free images,  read on for 100 sources where you can find free stock images: and don’t worry — they’re all legal! Click here to check out these great resources >>

Super Slick Dusky Lighting Effects: Photoshop Tutorial

One of the best sites around for desktops has to be Desktopography. Inspired by their amazing work today we are going to put together a sunset image mixing some vector shapes and dusky lighting effects to produce a slick image that would make a nice album cover for a chillout mix! Check the turtorial here >>

What happened to ethics? SEOs that hide their methods and mislead clients

Some SEOs, consultants, and agencies hide their methods and ultimately mislead their clients. How do they do this? By not disclosing or blatantly lying about their methods used to obtain rankings and/or traffic. Why do they do this? Short-sighted thinking… Read this very informative article here >>