Finally found this site again! I used to have it in my favourite list but lost it somehow.. Anyway, this site offers printing out your designs at affordable prices. Just ship in your design and they do the rest. I have not tested it out mainly because they don’t ship to Norway :o( .. But I dont plan on staying in Norway the rest of my life, the states is where I really want to live!! :o) So when ever I get my butt on over there and start my business (Which i’m actively working on as we speak), hopefully soon! I will test this out defenitely! If you have tested it out I would appreciate your comments on how their services are, just drop me an e-mail or comment if you know anything about their products :o) Click here to visit their site >>

Convert your design’s into WordPress themes for $10

ThemesPress is a service that allows you to automatically convert your HTML and CSS based design into a WordPress blog theme, allowing you to take full control of the look of your blog without having to know or bother with PHP. Get your design powered by WordPress in minutes!

Hmmm I wonder if this works!? I have not tested this service out but it seems pretty cool if it actually works :o) Click here to check it out >>

Typography – Tools and Techniques of the Trade

Often overlooked and misunderstood, typography stands, to many, as one of the least interesting aspects of design. Plenty of us have a predetermined collection of 5 or 6 fonts that we always choose from; a go-to pool of familiar looks. We let default line heights rule the roost. However, by expanding the breadth of our typography knowledge, we can truly reshape and characterize our design. In fact, I can think of 3 principle benefits of the mastery of this topic… Click here to read this article >>