Designer Jason Gaylor’s blog and free Photoshop brush resource. But be warned: if you use his brushes, you WILL become addicted. :o) Click here to visit >>
Finally found this site again! I used to have it in my favourite list but lost it somehow.. Anyway, this site offers printing out your designs at affordable prices. Just ship in your design and they do the rest. I have not tested it out mainly because they don’t ship to Norway :o( .. But I dont plan on staying in Norway the rest of my life, the states is where I really want to live!! :o) So when ever I get my butt on over there and start my business (Which i’m actively working on as we speak), hopefully soon! I will test this out defenitely! If you have tested it out I would appreciate your comments on how their services are, just drop me an e-mail or comment if you know anything about their products :o) Click here to visit their site >>
30 Secret Photoshop Shortcuts
It is proven that by using software shortcuts can boost up productivity. Here are 30 secret Photoshop shortcuts. These are shortcuts not documented in the menus. :o)  Click here to visit >>
77 Resources to Simplify Your Life as a Web Designer
Anything that simplifies my life gets my vote. Pretty much everything you need to help you design websites. Click here for these great resources >>
Creative Advertising
Some are funny, provoke discussion or are just damn clever. Check out these great ads!! :o) Click here to visit >>
WordPress CSS Gallery Theme
This is a pretty cool WordPress theme if you want to start your very own CSS gallery. Worth a look.. Click here to visit >>
Smooth and Clean FastFind Menu JQuery Plugin by WebAppers
FastFind Menu Script is a javascript menu created by ActiveSpotLight under the BSD License. It pulls a content feed as data to populate the menu, this can be static or dynamic. The version they use internally uses JSON/XML as data feeds. Pretty cool :o) Click here to visit >>
Over 100 Links for Web Designers
Nice collection of web design resources including fonts, tips and tutorials, color tools, icons and many more! Defenitely something to add to your Favorite collection :o) Click here to visit >>
WordPress Plugin: Custom Login Page
“This plugin gives people an easy way to add a custom wordpress login screen. The plugin eases upgrading (in particular on client websites) and includes a login screen kit to speed up development of your own screens.” How very nice indeed! Click here to download the plugin >>
101 Reasons Freelancers Do it Better
A happy worker is a productive worker, and it’s hard to find a happier lot than freelancers. Whether they’re entrepreneurs, Web workers or something in between, freelancers enjoy a better lifestyle than their cube-dwelling brethren. Read on for 101 reasons why. Click here to read more >>
WordPress ThemeFuturosity Altera Magazine style
Check out this great Magazine styled theme. Click here to visit >>
20 WordPress 4-Column Themes
Lots of great 4 column WordPress themes here :o) Click to visit >>
Convert your design’s into WordPress themes for $10
ThemesPress is a service that allows you to automatically convert your HTML and CSS based design into a WordPress blog theme, allowing you to take full control of the look of your blog without having to know or bother with PHP. Get your design powered by WordPress in minutes!
Hmmm I wonder if this works!? I have not tested this service out but it seems pretty cool if it actually works :o) Click here to check it out >>
60+ Tools For Gmail
Here are some tools for all you Gmail users out there :o) And if you have not tested out Gmail yet I recommend that you do so ;o) Click here for the tools >>
30+ WordPress Plugins for Statistics
To grow your blog, you need to know something about who’s visiting, why they’re at your site, where they came from, and where they’re going. This list mixes info for your eyes only with a few you can share with visitors and potential advertisers. Click here to visit >>
Typography – Tools and Techniques of the Trade
Often overlooked and misunderstood, typography stands, to many, as one of the least interesting aspects of design. Plenty of us have a predetermined collection of 5 or 6 fonts that we always choose from; a go-to pool of familiar looks. We let default line heights rule the roost. However, by expanding the breadth of our typography knowledge, we can truly reshape and characterize our design. In fact, I can think of 3 principle benefits of the mastery of this topic… Click here to read this article >>
Free Web 2.0 Layer Style photoshop files
Save yourself some time making those web 2.0 style headers and buttons. Here is some free downloads to speed up the process.. Click here to download >>
51 Photoshop Text Effect Tutorials
Lots of different text effects tutorials worth a look here! Might come in handy when making a logo or some other cool typography graphics :o) Click here to visit >>
Grunge & Dark Art Tutorial
I just love these kind of tutorials! Here is a Photoshop tutorial on how to make a regular image into grunge dark art. Looking pretty cool indeed I must say! Check out this tutorial here >>
15 Free Online Image Editors
Some great free programs here. I make a lot of cms based websites for my clients, a lot of them upload rather huge images in the wysiwyg editor without reducing them :o( but with these great links I can finally just recommend a free online editor for them :o) Click here to visit >>
45 Best Freeware Design Programs
List of some of the best open source and freeware alternatives to the applications no design can live without. Some interesting programs to be found here. Worth a look! Click here to visit >>