A great web development guide with a large selection of tips and tricks from many online/offline sources to help you design and market the perfect web site. Read more here…
Marketing Your Blog Part 1 – Essential WordPress Plugins
Here are some essential WordPress plugins to assist in the process of optimizing your blog for pickup and sharing by visitors, search engines, and aggregators. Make sure you know what you are doing before you go and install these, some play nice with each other, and some do not. Visit the article here…
Web Applications: Improve Your Workflow
In a world where applications are taking themselves online, there’s a host of amazing web applications that perform all types of services and cater for just about any industry. Thanks to the joys of technologies like AJAX, Rails, PHP, XML powered Flash and the like, there’s no limit to the functionality that can be packed into an online web application. Read the rest of this great article here…
Content-Aware Image Resizing
Content-Aware Image Resizing. Siggraph video by Shai Avidan and Ariel Shamir about a new method of image resizing. Must see.. This is pretty cool stuff!! Check it out here…
10 Inspiring Website Branding Images
We have all heard the old saying, “you can’t judge a book by its cover.†While that couldn’t be more true, it’s a simple fact that we all do it. We take a quick glance at books, movies, clothes, etc and decide in an instant if it’s worth our time to look at; websites are no different. Read more here
The Elements of Design Applied to the Web
In a similar vein as the The Elements of Typographic Style Applied to the Web, the various principles of general design have their place in web based design. Read more here
300 favorite WordPress Plugins
As one of the leading open source blogging platforms, WordPress has inspired hundreds (if not thousands) of plugins and tools to customize your blog. In this article, you will find 300 of the Mashable teams favorite wordpress plugins.. Check it out :o)
How to make sexy buttons with CSS
This tutorial will teach you how to create pretty looking textual buttons (with alternate pressed state) using CSS. Dynamic buttons save you heaps of time otherwise spent creating graphics and will basically make you a happier person at the end of the day. Read more here..
100 Essential Resources for Web Developers
A Web developer’s life is hard enough without having to go on the hunt for good developing resources. To help you take a load off, we’ve compiled a list of some of the best tools available. After using these resources, you may still have 99 problems, but we guarantee that developing ain’t gonna be one of them. Click here for this great article
34 Places to Get Design Inspiration
Everyone who hasn’t encountered designer’s block, raise your hand. Just as I thought. Well then, chances are you could use some places to get inspiration for those days when the pixels aren’t aligned and your mouse finger isn’t clicking like it should. Read more here…
Simplicity: The Hardest but Most Important Part of Web Design
This article is by the most veteran blogger Down Under, who has one of the most beautifully simple blog designs out there – well worth checking out his examples, tips and recommendations. Read more here..
Why you should convert to CSS
Still not using CSS? For those who refuse to change, here are some more reasons. Read more here
10 lists every designer should bookmark
Allright its time to do some bookmarking! Check out this article, it has 10 good lists for you that will most probably come in handy one day! :o) Click here to check it out >>
46 resources & tools to improve your web typography
Who says type on the web has to look wretched? Sure, there are annoying constraints like low-resolutions, limited font choices, and browser incompatibilities. But with the right tools and a little bit of guidance, you can absolutely make on-screen typography beautiful. Click here to read the rest of the article and check out all the great resources >>
11 Super Awesome Photoshop Movie Effects
Well the title says it all.. There are some awesome tutorials here u got to check out. For example how to make your own Pirates of the Caribbean poster (Like the image in this post) Tons of useful tips for all Photoshop freaks here ;o) Click here to visit this cool article >>
Free and beautiful icons
Check out Icondrawer for these free icons! Available for mac and .png. Click here for these great icons
20 CSS Tips and Tricks
Some great CSS tips for u all over here – Rounded Corners, Rounded Corners without images, Creating a Netflix style star ratings, Tableless forms, Styling Lists with CSS and much more.. Head on over >>
10 Websites with Great Photography
I see this mistake being done all the time! People making websites with bad photos.. A great photo is often an essential part of a good design, when you have that to work around, its easy to sexify the whole site with other important graphic elements. Check out 10 great sites over at The Tutorial Blog to see what i mean.. It puts it all in a better perspective. :o) Click here to visit
46 Must-Read Productivity Tips for Freelancers
Freelancers face a unique set of productivity challenges, often very different from the challenges faced by regular employees. As such, it’s time we looked at the best productivity tips for us freelancers. Read the rest of this helpful article over at Freelance Switch, lots of great tips here…
Free Stock Icons
Hundreds of beautiful and free Icons from the Crystal Clear icon set by Everaldo Coelho. Click here to visit his site..
2007 Adobe Design Achievement Award winners
Check out the great talents of the 2007 award winners! Click here to visit